Rural Maternity & Obstetrics Management Strategies


RMOMS (Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies) is a $1 million per year over 4 years cooperative agreement from HRSA (HRSA-22-115), awarded to MaineHealth. This project aims to improve access to and continuity of maternal and obstetrics care in rural Maine. CQI will partner with MaineHealth and the RMOMS Network of rural Maine hospitals to assist in analyzing the continuum of care for perinatal people in rural areas and planning education and training for the management of chronic conditions in pregnancy such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. Maternal Mental Health is also a priority for the RMOMS grant, and MMA-CQI is facilitating the Maternal Mental Health (MMH) ECHO sessions in partnership with the RMOMS team. The MMH ECHO is a knowledge-sharing model that aims to bring maternal mental health specialists and clinicians together. Participants learn from each other and best practices are disseminated across the network. Topics include maternal and postpartum depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, perinatal loss, and more.